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protect your information, you should use your personal email account, and not an address you share with other people.
This account is all you need to get started: purchase courses, view coursework, take tests, and print certificates!
What kind of leader are you? A multiplier or diminisher?
There are two main types of leaders in the world: multipliers and diminishers. Multipliers help others increase the quantity or quality of work that they would have been able to complete on their own. On the other hand, diminishers get people to accomplish their assignments, but squash their self-esteem in the process. In other words, are you an encourager or a dictator? Do you bring out the best or the worst in those you lead? If you are wondering which type of leader you are, here are a couple helpful questions to ask yourself.
Do you communicate or command? Good leaders collaborate with their workers and encourage them to complete the work they have started. Poor leaders provide limited information and then command their employees to perform a nearly impossible task or set unreasonable deadlines. Some leaders may not realize how harsh their commands and authoritative style negatively affect their staff.
Do you build up or break down? Every employee values being appreciated and having his or her work noticed. This is why quality leaders make an effort to build up their employees when they do a good job. Meanwhile, poor leaders only acknowledge their employees when something goes wrong or to point out flaws. Though this sounds negative, at times, this behavior may not be intentional. A leader may just be extremely busy and does not devote the time to applaud a job well done.
At ProSolutions Training, we offer online CDA courses and online child care training for interested early childhood education professionals. Contact us today to learn more!